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A Year in Bloom

A look back at the walk down Meerkerk Lane by season.


Follow along through the seasons of Meerkerk Gardens in a look through the season in photos or watch a movie.



Follow along as the winter snow and cold temps turn to early spring. Just like a sleeping beauty the garden awakens and the buds start to open as the garden comes back to life!


early Spring

As soon as the light starts to brighten and the day lengthens the blooms start to open! February and March capture the brilliance of welcome first color with heavy dew droplets shining on the petals.


PEAK Bloom Season

This is when the magic happens! When you pass through the gatehouse the world melts away and the beauty of the peaceful woodland garden envelopes you! April and May are usually the peak season months but each year the long and slow to warm springs extend the Rhodie bloom well into summer too!



As spring turns the corner and the peak bloom starts to give way to the warmth of summer we start to see mostly perennials and the more heat tolerant rhododendrons and azaleas. The leaves of the evergreen rhododendron become a wondrous delight of pattern, colors, and indumentum (fine "hairs”) that blend in with the colors of the Gardens.



The abundant variety of deciduous trees take center stage as the fall season starts to wane into winter. The colors start in October and continue well into November in our mild climate. The Bloodgood maple by the gatehouse is always a delight as it glows in deep red hues for weeks on end until it releases its last leaf.

watch the year in bloom movie!